
Algorithm Tracking

This example shows how to use the different callback functions provided to interact with ImageDev algorithms.
Several types of information can be sent by an ImageDev algorithm like its progression ratio, a text message, a formatted message defining specific data or a cancelation proposal. This information can be intercepted with callback functions.

First, this example defines a callback that prints the progression percentage and launches a morphological closing on a 3D image.

Progression: 14.13%
Progression: 43.02%
Progression: 63.16%
Progression: 91.72%
Progression: 100.00%

The progression callback is disabled and a callback printing algorithm messages is defined. A closing by reconstruction is applied on the same image. The verbose mode is still enabled.

ImageDev.ClosingByReconstruction3d - Information: [Reconstruction Step]: iteration 1
Information: [Reconstruction Step]: iteration 3 - Number of voxels modified 6348589
Information: [Reconstruction Step]: iteration 5 - Number of voxels modified 3563828
Information: [Reconstruction Step]: iteration 7 - Number of voxels modified 663815
Information: [Reconstruction Step]: iteration 9 - Number of voxels modified 20
Information: [Reconstruction Step]: iteration 11 - Number of voxels modified 2

At last, the message callback is disabled and the ImageDev verbose mode is enabled. This mode prints in a standard output the name of each algorithm that is launched and its computation time when it ends. A median filter is applied.

Executing MedianFilter3d...
Done in 0s 986ms

Note: In Python, the verbose mode also prints a progress bar in the Python console.

#include <ImageDev/ImageDev.h>
#include <ioformat/IOFormat.h>

using namespace imagedev;
using namespace ioformat;
using namespace iolink;

    // ImageDev library initialization
    if ( isInitialized() == false )

    // Open a 3D Amira Mesh file
    auto imageInput = ioformat::readImage( std::string( IMAGEDEVDATA_IMAGES_FOLDER ) + "" );

    // Callback that displays the progression percentage
    auto progressionCallback = []( const GenericAlgorithm& algorithm, float ratio ) {
        std::cout << " - Progression: " << 100.0 * ratio << "%" << std::endl;

    // Callback that displays the algorithm information
    auto informationCallback = []( const GenericAlgorithm& algorithm, const std::string& message ) {
        std::cout << " - Information: " << message << std::endl;

    // Enable a callback for indicating the algorithm progression
    setProgressRatioCallback( progressionCallback );

    // Apply a closing filter
    auto imageOutput = closing3d( imageInput, 50, Closing3d::CONNECTIVITY_26, Closing3d::LIMITED );

    // Disable the progression callback
    setProgressRatioCallback( nullptr );

    // Enable a callback for indicating the algorithm information
    setProgressMessageCallback( informationCallback );

    // Apply a closing by reconstruction filter
    imageOutput = closingByReconstruction3d( imageInput, 20, ClosingByReconstruction3d::CONNECTIVITY_26 );

    // Disable the information callback
    setProgressMessageCallback( nullptr );

    // Enable the verbose mode that indicates the duration of each algorithm
    setVerbose( true );

    // Apply a median filter
    imageOutput = medianFilter3d( imageInput, 5, MedianFilter3d::CUBE, MedianFilter3d::AUTOMATIC );

    // Disable the verbose mode
    setVerbose( false );

    // ImageDev library finalization

    return 0;
using System;
using ImageDev;
using IOLink;
using IOFormat;

namespace T05_01_AlgorithmTracking
    class Program
        // Callback that displays the progression percentage
        static void progressionCallback( object algorithm, float ratio )
            Console.WriteLine( algorithm.ToString() + " - Progression: " + ( 100.0 * ratio ).ToString( "0.00" ) + "%" );

        // Callback that displays the algorithm information
        static void informationCallback( object algorithm, string message )
            Console.WriteLine( algorithm.ToString() + " - Information: " + message );

        static void Main( string[] args )
            // ImageDev library initialization
            if ( Initialization.IsInitialized() == false )

            // Open a 3D Amira Mesh file
            ImageView imageInput = ViewIO.ReadImage( @"Data/images/" ) as ImageView;

            // Enable a callback for indicating the algorithm progression
            Processing.SetProgressRatioCallback( progressionCallback );

            // Apply a closing filter
            var imageOutput = Processing.Closing3d( imageInput, 50 );

            // Disable the progression callback
            Processing.SetProgressRatioCallback( null );

            // Enable a callback for indicating the algorithm information
            Processing.SetProgressMessageCallback( informationCallback );

            // Apply a closing by reconstruction filter
            imageOutput = Processing.ClosingByReconstruction3d( imageInput, 20 );

            // Disable the information callback
            Processing.SetProgressMessageCallback( null );

            // Enable the verbose mode that indicates the duration of each algorithm
            Processing.SetVerbose( true );

            // Apply a median filter
            imageOutput = Processing.MedianFilter3d( imageInput, 5 );

            // Disable the verbose mode
            Processing.SetVerbose( false );

            // ImageDev library finalization
import imagedev
import imagedev_data
import ioformat

#  Callback that displays the progression percentage
def progression_callback(algorithm, ratio):
  progress = ratio
  print( " - Progression: " + "{:.2f}".format( 100.0 * ratio) + "%" )

# Callback that displays the algorithm information
def information_callback(algorithm, message):
  print(" - Information: " + message )

# Initialize the ImageDev library if not done
if (imagedev.is_initialized() == False): imagedev.init()

# Open a 3D Amira Mesh file
image_input = ioformat.read_image(imagedev_data.get_image_path(""))

# Enable a callback for indicating the algorithm progression

# Apply a closing filter
imageOutput = imagedev.closing_3d(image_input, 50)

# Disable the progression callback

# Enable a callback for indicating the algorithm information

# Apply a closing by reconstruction filter
imageOutput = imagedev.closing_by_reconstruction_3d(image_input, 20)

# Disable the information callback

# Enable the verbose mode that indicates the duration of each algorithm

# Apply a median filter
imageOutput = imagedev.median_filter_3d(image_input, 5)

# Disable the verbose mode

# ImageDev library finalization

See also