Algorithms that create images where pixels belonging to a same entity are set to a same intensity (label).
- Labeling2d: Assigns the same label to each connected component of a two-dimensional binary or label image.
- Labeling3d: Assigns a same label to each connected component of a three-dimensional binary or label image.
- ReorderLabels: Forces values of a label image to be consecutive.
- AssignLabel: Converts a binary image into a label image by changing its intensity values to a specific value.
- AddObjectToLabel: Inserts a marker to a label image with a specific value.
- GroupCloseLabelsl2d: Assigns a same label to objects that are closed to each other.
In a label image, each intensity identifies a point belonging to a given set. Two types of label can be assigned
to an image:
- Labels identifying an object: the same label is assigned to the same connected components set. Two unconnected sets should have different labels.
- Labels identifying a region: the same label is assigned to points presenting some common attributes such as lightness or texture. The same label can be assigned to several unconnected sets of points.