

Contains measurements derived from the variance-covariance matrix extracted from the intensity image values, and using the label input image as a mask.

More information about the variance-covariance matrix is available in the Moments of inertia section.


Object members

Measurement name DescriptionElement typeIndexing
Moment2X The centered moment term 2x of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
Moment2Y The centered moment term 2y of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
Moment2Z The centered moment term 2z of binary the covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
MomentXY The centered moment term xy of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
MomentXZ The centered moment term xz of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
MomentYZ The centered moment term yz of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
Eigenvalue1 The largest eigenvalue of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
Eigenvalue2 The medium 3D eigenvalue or smallest 2D eigenvalue of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
Eigenvalue3 The smallest 3D eigenvalue of the binary covariance matrix. This value is only available in 3D. Floating point [label]
Eigenvector1X The X coordinate of the largest eigenvector of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
Eigenvector1Y The Y coordinate of the largest eigen vector of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
Eigenvector1Z The Z coordinate of the largest eigenvector of the binary covariance matrix. This value is only available in 3D. Floating point [label]
Eigenvector2X The X coordinate of the medium 3D eigenvector or smallest 2D eigenvector of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
Eigenvector2Y The Y coordinate of the medium 3D eigenvector or smallest 2D eigenvector of the binary covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
Eigenvector2Z The Z coordinate of the medium 3D eigenvector or smallest 2D eigenvector of the binary covariance matrix. This value is only available in 3D. Floating point [label]
Eigenvector3X The X coordinate of the 3D smallest eigenvector of the binary covariance matrix. This value is only available in 3D. Floating point [label]
Eigenvector3Y The Y coordinate of the 3D smallest eigenvector of the binary covariance matrix. This value is only available in 3D. Floating point [label]
Eigenvector3Z The Z coordinate of the 3D smallest eigenvector of the binary covariance matrix. This value is only available in 3D. Floating point [label]
ExtentMax1 The maximal extent of the data in the direction of the largest eigenvector of the covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
ExtentMax2 The maximal extent of the data in the direction of the medium (second) eigenvector of the covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
ExtentMax3 The maximal extent of the data in the direction of the smallest eigenvector of the covariance matrix. This value is only available in 3D. Floating point [label]
ExtentMin1 The minimal extent of the data in the direction of the largest eigenvector of the covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
ExtentMin2 The minimal extent of the data in the direction of the medium (second) eigenvector of the covariance matrix. Floating point [label]
ExtentMin3 The minimal extent of the data in the direction of the smallest eigenvector of the covariance matrix. This value is only available in 3D. Floating point [label]
GrayMoment2X The centered moment term 2x of the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
This measurement is similar to Moment2X based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayMoment2Y The centered moment term 2y of the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
This measurement is similar to Moment2Y based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayMoment2Z The centered moment term 2z of the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
This measurement is similar to Moment2Z based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayMomentXY The centered moment term 2xy of the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
This measurement is similar to Moment2XY based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayMomentXZ The centered moment term 2xz of the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
This measurement is similar to Moment2XZ based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayMomentYZ The centered moment term 2yz of the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
This measurement is similar to Moment2YZ based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvalue1 The largest eigenvalue of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to Eigenvalue1 based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvalue2 The medium 3D eigenvalue or smallest 2D eigenvalue of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to Eigenvalue2 based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvalue3 The smallest 3D eigenvalue of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to Eigenvalue3 based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvector1X The X coordinate of the largest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to EigenVec1X based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvector1Y The Y coordinate of the largest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to EigenVec1Y based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvector1Z The Z coordinate of the largest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to EigenVec1Z based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvector2X The X coordinate of the medium 3D eigenvector or smallest 2D eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to EigenVec2X based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvector2Y The Y coordinate of the medium 3D eigenvector or smallest 2D eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to EigenVec2Y based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvector2Z The Z coordinate of the medium 3D eigenvector or smallest 2D eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to EigenVec2Z based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvector3X The X coordinate of the smallest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to EigenVec3X based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvector3Y The Y coordinate of the smallest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to EigenVec3Y based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayEigenvector3Z The Z coordinate of the smallest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to EigenVec3Z based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayExtent1Max The maximal extent of the data in the direction of the largest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to ExtentMax1 based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayExtent2Max The maximal extent of the data in the direction of the of the medium 3D eigenvector or smallest 2D eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to ExtentMax2 based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayExtent3Max The maximal extent of the data in the direction of the smallest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to ExtentMax3 based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayExtent1Min The minimal extent of the data in the direction of the largest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to ExtentMin1 based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayExtent2Min The minimal extent of the data in the direction of the of the medium 3D eigenvector or smallest 2D eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to ExtentMin2 based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayExtent3Min The minimal extent of the data in the direction of the smallest eigenvector of the gray level covariance matrix.
This measurement is similar to ExtentMin3 based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayAnisotropy The anisotropy factor based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
This measurement is similar to the Anisotropy measurement of the Geometry category, but takes into account the gray levels of the intensity image.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayElongation The elongation factor based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
This measurement is similar to the Elongation measurement of the Geometry category, but takes into account the gray levels of the intensity image.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayFlatness3d The flatness factor based on the covariance matrix weighted by the gray level intensities.
This measurement is similar to the Flatness measurement of the Geometry category, but takes into account the gray levels of the intensity image. This value is only available in 3D.
Floating point [label, channel]