This category describes measurement objects returned by algorithms that compute morphometric parameters.
- ObjectVolumeMsr: Contains the area or volume of objects contained in a binary image.
- ImageVolumeMsr: Contains the area or volume of the volume of interest.
- ObjectBoundaryAreaMsr: Contains the perimeter or area of the object surface computed in a binary image.
- ImageBoundaryAreaMsr: Contains the boundary area of the volume of interest.
- AverageObjectAreaPerSliceMsr: Contains the average object area computed over XY slices of a three-dimensional binary image.
- AverageObjectCountPerSliceMsr: Contains the average number of objects computed over XY slices of a three-dimensional binary image.
- ObjectImageRatioMsr: Contains the percentage of objects contained in a binary image.
- ObjectSpecificSurfaceMsr: Contains the surface to volume ratio computed in a binary image.
- ObjectSurfaceDensityMsr: Contains the object surface to total volume ratio computed in a binary image.
- PorosityPercentageMsr: Contains the average porosity computed over XY slices of a three-dimensional binary image.
- FragmentationMsr: Contains the fragmentation index computed in a binary image.
- StructureModelIndexMsr: Contains the structure model index computed in a three-dimensional binary image.
- AverageObjectThicknessMsr: Contains the average structure thickness computed in a three-dimensional binary image.
- AverageSpaceThicknessMsr: Contains the average structure separation thickness computed in a three-dimensional binary image.
- ObjectLinearDensityMsr: Contains the structure linear density computed in a three-dimensional binary image.
- AnisotropyDegreeMsr: Contains the degree of anisotropy computed in an image.