

Contains measurements that return information that can be used to spot the associated object in the input image.

More information about the variance-covariance matrix is available in the Moments of inertia section.


Object members

Measurement name DescriptionElement typeIndexing
FirstPointX The X coordinate of the first point of each object encountered when scanning the input image from top to bottom, and left to right. This coordinate is expressed in pixel units (integer) and indexed from 0. Integer [label]
FirstPointY The Y coordinate of the first point of each object encountered when scanning the input image from top to bottom, and left to right. This coordinate is expressed in pixel units (integer) and indexed from 0. Integer [label]
FirstPointZ The Z coordinate of the first point of each object encountered when scanning the input image from top to bottom, and left to right. This coordinate is expressed in pixel units (integer) and indexed from 0. Integer [label]
BarycenterX The X coordinate of the center of gravity, expressed in the coordinate system defined by the image calibration.
More information about barycenters is available in the First Order Moments section.
Floating point [label]
BarycenterY The Y coordinate of the center of gravity, expressed in the coordinate system defined by the image calibration.
More information about barycenters is available in the First Order Moments section.
Floating point [label]
BarycenterZ The Z coordinate of the center of gravity, expressed in the coordinate system defined by the image calibration.
More information about barycenters is available in the First Order Moments section.
Floating point [label]
GrayBarycenterX The X coordinate of the center of gravity weighted by the gray level intensities, expressed in the coordinate system defined by the image calibration.
More information about barycenters is available in the First Order Moments section.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayBarycenterY The Y coordinate of the center of gravity weighted by the gray level intensities, expressed in the coordinate system defined by the image calibration.
More information about barycenters is available in the First Order Moments section.
Floating point [label, channel]
GrayBarycenterZ The Z coordinate of the center of gravity weighted by the gray level intensities, expressed in the coordinate system defined by the image calibration.
More information about barycenters is available in the First Order Moments section.
Floating point [label, channel]
BoundingBoxOX The X coordinate of the upper-left corner of the axis aligned bounding box of the object, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
BoundingBoxOY The Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the axis aligned bounding box of the object, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
BoundingBoxOZ The Z coordinate of the upper-left corner of the axis aligned bounding box of the object, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
BoundingBoxDX The width of the object bounding box, expressed in the image calibration unit. This box side is parallel to the image's X axis. Floating point [label]
BoundingBoxDY The height of the object bounding box, expressed in the image calibration unit. This box side is parallel to the image's Y axis. Floating point [label]
BoundingBoxDZ The depth of the object bounding box, expressed in the image calibration unit. This box side is parallel to the image's Z axis. Floating point [label]