

Defines the measurements to compute in analysis algorithms and gives access to their results.

The analysis algorithms using this object are listed here.

Some native measurements are already available. The NativeMeasurements object gives quick access to their MsrInfo.
In addition to native measurements, an API to generate user-defined measurements will be available in a future version.


Method Description
static AnalysisMsr read( const String& pathName ) Reads an AnalysisMsr object from a file name.
void write( const String& pathName ) Writes an AnalysisMsr object to a file name.
static MsrInfo getMeasurementInfoFromName( const String& name ) Gets the information of a measurement from its name.
The MsrInfo object contains the name and the physical dimension of the measurement.
Measurement select( MsrInfo* info ) Selects a specific measurement to be computed by an image analysis processing algorithm.
The type of the measurement returned by this method depends on the type of the given MsrInfo object.
For instance, adding an Area2dInfo object returns the related Area2d measurement object generated.
void select( std::vector< MsrInfo*> infos ) Selects a list of measurements to be computed by an image analysis processing algorithm.
Measurement get( MsrInfo info ) Returns the measurement corresponding to the given MsrInfo object.
For instance, getting an Area2dInfo object returns the Area2d measurement object.
uint64_t labelCount() Returns the number of label.
Method Description
read(pathname) Reads an AnalysisMsr object from a file name.
write(self, pathname) Writes an AnalysisMsr object to a file name.
msr_from_name(name) Gets the information of a measurement from its name.
The MsrInfo object contains the name and the physical dimension of the measurement.
select(self, msr) Selects a specific measurement to be computed by an image analysis processing algorithm.
The type of the measurement returned by this method depends on the type of the given MsrInfo object.
For instance, adding an Area2dInfo object returns the related Area2d measurement object generated.
select(self, infos) Selects a list of measurements to be computed by an image analysis processing algorithm.
get(self, info) Returns the measurement corresponding to the given MsrInfo object.
For instance, getting an Area2dInfo object returns the Area2d measurement object.
label_count(self) Returns the number of label.
Method Description
static AnalysisMsr Read(String pathName) Reads an AnalysisMsr object from a file name.
void Write(String pathName) Writes an AnalysisMsr object to a file name.
static MsrInfo GetMeasurementInfoFromName(String name) Gets the information of a measurement from its name.
The MsrInfo object contains the name and the physical dimension of the measurement.
Measurement Select(MsrInfo info) Selects a specific measurement to be computed by an image analysis processing algorithm.
The type of the measurement returned by this method depends on the type of the given MsrInfo object.
For instance, adding an Area2dInfo object returns the related Area2d measurement object generated.
void Select(MsrInfo[] infos) Selects a list of measurements to be computed by an image analysis processing algorithm.
Measurement Get(MsrInfo info) Returns the measurement corresponding to the given MsrInfo object.
For instance, getting an Area2dInfo object returns the Area2d measurement object.
int LabelCount() Returns the number of label.