

Contains the statistics computed on the intensities of an image.

Object members

Measurement name DescriptionElement typeIndexing
pixelCount The number of pixels in the image. Unsigned integer [channel, time]
minimum The image's minimum value of intensities. Floating point [channel, time]
maximum The image's maximum value of intensities. Floating point [channel, time]
intensityRange The number of levels for an integer image; maximum minus minimum for a floating image. Floating point [channel, time]
mean The image's mean value of intensities. Floating point [channel, time]
standardDeviation The image's standard deviation of intensities. Floating point [channel, time]
skewness The degree of asymmetry of the intensities distribution. Floating point [channel, time]
kurtosis The degree of peakedness of the intensities distribution. Floating point [channel, time]

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