

Contains measurements based on the computation of co-occurrence matrices.

More information about co-occurrence matrices is available in the Cooccurrence2d documentation.

These measurements References
R.Haralick , K.Shanmugam & I.Dinstein "Textural features for image classification". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. vol. 3, no. 6, pp 610-621, Oct. 1973.

See also

Object members

Measurement name DescriptionElement typeIndexing
CooccurrenceAsm Angular Second Moment, also called uniformity: It takes high values when image pixels present strong local uniformity. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceCon Contrast: It takes high values for great gray level variations. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceCor Correlation: It measures the dependency between gray levels and those of neighbouring pixels. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceDen Difference Entropy. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceDirX X Direction. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceDirY Y Direction. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceDva Difference Variance. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceEnt Entropy. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceIc1 Information measurement of Correlation 1. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceIc2 Information measurement of Correlation 2. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceIdm Inverse Difference Moment, also called homogeneity. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrencePixelCount Number of pixels used for computation. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceSav Sum Average. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceSen Sum Entropy. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceSsv Sum of Square Variance, also called sum of squares: It measures the dispersion of the combination of gray levels and their neighbor pixels around the mean. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceSva Sum Variance. Floating point [label, direction, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanAsm Mean of the Angular Second Moment along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanCon Mean of the Contrast along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanCor Mean of the Correlation along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanDen Mean of the Difference Entropy along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanDva Mean of the Difference Variance along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanEnt Mean of the Entropy along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanIc1 Mean of the Information measure of Correlation 1 along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanIc2 Mean of the Information measure of Correlation 2 along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanIdm Mean of the Inverse Difference Moment along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanSav Mean of the Sum Average along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanSen Mean of the Sum Entropy along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanSsv Mean of the Sum of Square Variance along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceMeanSva Mean of the Sum Variance along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeAsm Difference between maximum and minimum of the Angular Second Moment along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeCon Difference between maximum and minimum of the Contrast along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeCor Difference between maximum and minimum of the Correlation along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeDen Difference between maximum and minimum of the Difference Entropy along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeDva Difference between maximum and minimum of the Difference Variance along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeEnt Difference between maximum and minimum of the Entropy along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeIc1 Difference between maximum and minimum of the Information measure of Correlation 1 along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeIc2 Difference between maximum and minimum of the Information measure of Correlation 2 along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeIdm Difference between maximum and minimum of the Inverse Difference Moment along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeSav Difference between maximum and minimum of the Sum Average along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeSen Difference between maximum and minimum of the Sum Entropy along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeSsv Difference between maximum and minimum of the Sum of Square Variance along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceRangeSva Difference between maximum and minimum of the Sum Variance along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevAsm Standard deviation of the Angular Second Moment along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevCon Standard deviation of the Contrast along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevCor Standard deviation of the Correlation along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevDen Standard deviation of the Difference Entropy along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevDva Standard deviation of the Difference Variance along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevEnt Standard deviation of the Entropy along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevIc1 Standard deviation of the Information measure of Correlation 1 along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevIc2 Standard deviation of the Information measure of Correlation 2 along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevIdm Standard deviation of the Inverse Difference Moment along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevSav Standard deviation of the Sum Average along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevSen Standard deviation of the Sum Entropy along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevSsv Standard deviation of the Sum of Square Variance along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]
CooccurrenceStddevSva Standard deviation of the Sum Variance along the angular distribution. Floating point [label, channel]