

Contains measurements based on Feret diameter, which is a one-dimensional measurement that estimates how "wide" an object is when projected in a given direction.

Feret diameter is defined as the distance between two parallel tangents of a particle in a given direction, like the measurement by a caliper (see Figure 1).
This definition is extended to 3D with the distance between two tangent planes.
<b>Figure 1.</b> Feret diameter
Figure 1. Feret diameter

Derivative measurements

Measuring a Feret diameter in a particular direction is usually irrelevant. Even if in 2D it is possible to obtain each Feret diameter of a predefined set of directions (or distribution), this information is not available in 3D.
It is more convenient to consider derivative measurements such as minimum, maximum, or average diameters and their associated orientations when available.
Some examples of Feret derivative measurements are shown in Figure 2.
<b>Figure 2.</b> Some Feret derivative measurements
Figure 2. Some Feret derivative measurements

2D Feret diameter distribution

In 2D, Feret diameters are computed along all redefined directions in the range [0; 180[ degrees from which can be determined the minimum, the mean, and the maximum.
By default the distribution of 2D Feret diameters is made up of a sampling of 10 angles from 0 to 162 degrees with a step of 18 degrees.
This distribution can be customized with the Feret 2D angles attributes.

3D Feret diameter distribution

In 3D, the distribution is computed to get the predefined number of angles regularly spread around the upper part of the unit sphere. By default a sampling of 31 angles.
This distribution can be customized with the Feret 3D angles attributes.
<b> Figure 3.</b> Example of a distribution of 3D angles
Figure 3. Example of a distribution of 3D angles

The orientations are defined by the couple of angles from spherical coordinates, as often used in mathematics, the azimuthal angle $\theta$ and the polar angle $\phi$.
<b>Figure 4.</b> Azimuthal and polar angles
Figure 4. Azimuthal and polar angles

Object members

Measurement name DescriptionElement typeIndexing
FeretDiameter2d The Feret diameters distribution expressed in the image calibration unit.
This measurement is a distribution; the Feret diameter is given for each direction through a special index. The corresponding angle can be obtained with the orientation() method of the Feret 2D attributes.
Floating point [label, direction]
FeretMin2d The minimum of the 2D Feret diameters expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMin3d The minimum of the 3D Feret diameters expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMinOrientation2d The angle of the minimum of the 2D Feret diameters, in degrees. Floating point [label]
FeretMinOrientationPhi3d The Phi angle of the minimum of the 3D Feret diameters, in degrees and lying in the range [0,90]. Floating point [label]
FeretMinOrientationTheta3d The Theta angle of the minimum of the 3D Feret diameters, in degrees and lying in the range [-180,+180[. Floating point [label]
FeretMax3d The maximum of the 3D Feret diameters expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMaxOrientationPhi3d The Phi angle of the maximum of the 3D Feret diameters, in degrees and lying in the range [0,90]. Floating point [label]
FeretMaxOrientationTheta3d The Theta angle of the maximum of the 3D Feret diameters, in degrees and lying in the range [-180,+180[. Floating point [label]
FeretMaxOrientation2d The angle of the maximum of the 2D Feret diameters. Floating point [label]
FeretMax2d The maximum of the Feret diameters expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMean2d The average of the 2D Feret diameters expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMean3d The average of the 3D Feret diameters expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
Breadth2d The Feret diameter orthogonal to the maximum 2D Feret diameter, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
SideLength2d The Feret diameter orthogonal to the minimum 2D Feret diameter, expressed in the image calibration unit.
For a square or rectangular object, the maximum Feret diameter does not represent its side length but its diagonal.
Floating point [label]
FeretRatio2d The orthogonal diameter to the smallest 2D Feret diameter ratio, which represents an elongation factor.
Let $a$ be the minimal Feret diameters, and let $b$ be the Feret diameter closest to the normal of the minimal Feret diameter. The Feret Shape is the ratio $b/a$. Note that the accuracy highly depends on the number of Feret 2D directions used.
Floating point [label]
FeretRatio3d The orthogonal diameter to the smallest 3D Feret diameter ratio, which represents an elongation factor.
This shape factor is defined as $(D/d)$, where $d$ is the minimum Feret diameter ( FeretMin3d) and $D$ is the maximum Feret diameter in the orthogonal direction (90 degrees from the minimum Feret diameter, generally not FeretMax3d).
Feret 3D diameter measurements rely on sampling in a direction 3D distribution (31 directions by default).
Floating point [label]
FeretInputX2d The X coordinate of input points of the Feret two-dimensional distribution, expressed in pixel units.
This measurement is a distribution, the Feret diameter is given for each direction through a special index. The corresponding angle can be obtained with the orientation() method of the Feret 2D attributes.
Floating point [label, direction]
FeretInputY2d The Y coordinate of input point of the Feret two-dimensional distribution, expressed in pixel units.
This measurement is a distribution, the Feret diameter is given for each direction through a special index. The corresponding angle can be obtained with the orientation() method of the Feret 2D attributes.
Floating point [label, direction]
FeretOutputX2d The X coordinate of output point of the Feret two-dimensional distribution, expressed in pixel units.
This measurement is a distribution, the Feret diameter is given for each direction through a special index. The corresponding angle can be obtained with the orientation() method of the Feret 2D attributes.
Floating point [label, direction]
FeretOutputY2d The Y coordinate of output point of the Feret two-dimensional distribution, expressed in pixel units.
This measurement is a distribution, the Feret diameter is given for each direction through a special index. The corresponding angle can be obtained with the orientation() method of the Feret 2D attributes.
Floating point [label, direction]
Breadth3d The largest distance between two parallel lines touching the object without intersecting it, and lying in a plane orthogonal to the maximum 3D Feret diameter, expressed in the image calibration unit.
The direction of the largest 3D Feret diameter is first determined (FeretMaxOrientationPhi3d, FeretMaxOrientationTheta3d). The breadth measurement is then evaluated as the maximum 2D Feret diameter in planes orthogonal to this direction.
<b> Figure 4.</b> Example of breadth 3D measure
Figure 4. Example of breadth 3D measure
Floating point [label]
BreadthOrientationPhi3d The Phi angle of the Breadth orientation, in degrees and lying in the range [0,90]. Floating point [label]
BreadthOrientationTheta3d The Theta angle of the Breadth orientation, in degrees and lying in the range [-180,+180[. Floating point [label]
Thickness3d The largest distance between two parallel lines touching the object without intersecting it, and lying in a plane orthogonal to the maximum 3D Feret diameter and also orthogonal to the Breadth, expressed in the image calibration unit.
The Breadth3d measurement is first determined, the thickness measurement is then evaluated as the maximum Feret diameter orthogonal to the Breadth3d and FeretMax3d directions.
Floating point [label]
ThicknessOrientationPhi3d The Phi angle of the Thickness orientation, in degrees and lying in the range [0,90]. Floating point [label]
ThicknessOrientationTheta3d The Theta angle of the Thickness orientation, in degrees and lying in the range [-180,+180[. Floating point [label]
FeretMaxInputX3d The X coordinate of the FeretMax3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMaxInputY3d The Y coordinate of the FeretMax3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMaxInputZ3d The Z coordinate of the FeretMax3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMaxOutputX3d The X coordinate of the FeretMax3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMaxOutputY3d The Y coordinate of the FeretMax3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMaxOutputZ3d The Z coordinate of the FeretMax3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMinInputX3d The X coordinate of the FeretMin3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMinInputY3d The Y coordinate of the FeretMin3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMinInputZ3d The Z coordinate of the FeretMin3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMinOutputX3d The X coordinate of the FeretMin3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMinOutputY3d The Y coordinate of the FeretMin3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
FeretMinOutputZ3d The Z coordinate of the FeretMin3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
BreadthInputX3d The X coordinate of the Breadth3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
BreadthInputY3d The Y coordinate of the Breadth3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
BreadthInputZ3d The Z coordinate of the Breadth3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
BreadthOutputX3d The X coordinate of the Breadth3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
BreadthOutputY3d The Y coordinate of the Breadth3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
BreadthOutputZ3d The Z coordinate of the Breadth3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
ThicknessInputX3d The X coordinate of the Thickness3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
ThicknessInputY3d The Y coordinate of the Thickness3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
ThicknessInputZ3d The Z coordinate of the Thickness3d diameter input point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
ThicknessOutputX3d X coordinate of the Thickness3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
ThicknessOutputY3d The Y coordinate of the Thickness3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]
ThicknessOutputZ3d The Z coordinate of the Thickness3d diameter output point, expressed in the image calibration unit. Floating point [label]