

Applies a predefined morphological lookup table (LUT) on a two-dimensional binary image.

Access to parameter description

For an introduction: Applying a morphological LUT amounts to moving some predefined configurations of neighborhoods in a binary image, and then applying decisions when this configuration is encountered or not. It can be used to compute morphological operators such as thinning, thickening, or hit-or-miss in an optimized way.

Before launching this algorithm, a MorphologicalLut2d object has to be built and set as the morphologicalLut parameter. The kernels defining the searched configurations can be inserted in this object with its addKernel method.

See also

Function Syntax

This function returns a ApplyMorphologicalLut2dOutput structure containing outputBinaryImage and outputMeasurement.
// Output structure of the applyMorphologicalLut2d function.
struct ApplyMorphologicalLut2dOutput
    /// The binary output image. Its size and type are forced to the same values as the input.
    std::shared_ptr< iolink::ImageView > outputBinaryImage;
    /// The output object containing the number of modified voxels by the selected LUT.
    ApplyMorphologicalLutMsr::Ptr outputMeasurement;

// Function prototype
ApplyMorphologicalLut2dOutput applyMorphologicalLut2d( std::shared_ptr< iolink::ImageView > inputBinaryImage, imagedev::MorphologicalLut2d::Ptr morphologicalLut, ApplyMorphologicalLut2d::MatchingFlag matchingFlag, ApplyMorphologicalLut2d::UnmatchingFlag unmatchingFlag, ApplyMorphologicalLut2d::BorderCondition borderCondition, std::shared_ptr< iolink::ImageView > outputBinaryImage = nullptr, ApplyMorphologicalLutMsr::Ptr outputMeasurement = nullptr );
This function returns a tuple containing output_binary_image and output_measurement.
// Function prototype.
apply_morphological_lut_2d(input_binary_image: idt.ImageType,
                           morphological_lut: MorphologicalLut2d,
                           matching_flag: ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.MatchingFlag = ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.MatchingFlag.M_SET_ONE,
                           unmatching_flag: ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.UnmatchingFlag = ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.UnmatchingFlag.U_SET_ZERO,
                           border_condition: ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.BorderCondition = ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.BorderCondition.ZERO,
                           output_binary_image: idt.ImageType = None,
                           output_measurement: Union[Any, None] = None) -> Tuple[idt.ImageType, ApplyMorphologicalLutMsr]
This function returns a ApplyMorphologicalLut2dOutput structure containing outputBinaryImage and outputMeasurement.
/// Output structure of the ApplyMorphologicalLut2d function.
public struct ApplyMorphologicalLut2dOutput
    /// The binary output image. Its size and type are forced to the same values as the input.
    public IOLink.ImageView outputBinaryImage;
    /// The output object containing the number of modified voxels by the selected LUT.
    public ApplyMorphologicalLutMsr outputMeasurement;

// Function prototype.
public static ApplyMorphologicalLut2dOutput
ApplyMorphologicalLut2d( IOLink.ImageView inputBinaryImage,
                         Data.MorphologicalLut2d morphologicalLut,
                         ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.MatchingFlag matchingFlag = ImageDev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.MatchingFlag.M_SET_ONE,
                         ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.UnmatchingFlag unmatchingFlag = ImageDev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.UnmatchingFlag.U_SET_ZERO,
                         ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.BorderCondition borderCondition = ImageDev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.BorderCondition.ZERO,
                         IOLink.ImageView outputBinaryImage = null,
                         ApplyMorphologicalLutMsr outputMeasurement = null );

Class Syntax


Parameter Name Description Type Supported Values Default Value
The binary input image. Image Binary nullptr
The input morphological LUT array defining the configurations to detect. MorphologicalLut2d MorphologicalLut2d::New( MorphologicalKernel2d::New( MorphologicalKernel2d::ONE ) )
The value to set when a predefined configuration is encountered.
M_SET_ZERO The output value is forced to 0.
M_SET_ONE The output value is forced to 1.
M_CHANGE The output value is the logical negation of the input value.
M_PRESERVE The output value is equal to the input value.
Enumeration M_SET_ONE
The value to set when the predefined configuration is not encountered.
U_SET_ZERO The output value is forced to 0.
U_SET_ONE The output value is forced to 1.
U_CHANGE The output value is the logical negation of the input value.
U_PRESERVE The output value is equal to the input value.
Enumeration U_SET_ZERO
The border condition used to extrapolate outside pixels.
ZERO Pixels outside of the image are considered as having the value 0.
MIRROR Pixels outside of the image are a replication the border image pixels.
Enumeration ZERO
The binary output image. Its size and type are forced to the same values as the input. Image nullptr
The output object containing the number of modified voxels by the selected LUT. ApplyMorphologicalLutMsr nullptr
Parameter Name Description Type Supported Values Default Value
The binary input image. image Binary None
The input morphological LUT array defining the configurations to detect. morphological_lut_2d VpParameterMorphologicalLut2d_Default
The value to set when a predefined configuration is encountered.
M_SET_ZERO The output value is forced to 0.
M_SET_ONE The output value is forced to 1.
M_CHANGE The output value is the logical negation of the input value.
M_PRESERVE The output value is equal to the input value.
enumeration M_SET_ONE
The value to set when the predefined configuration is not encountered.
U_SET_ZERO The output value is forced to 0.
U_SET_ONE The output value is forced to 1.
U_CHANGE The output value is the logical negation of the input value.
U_PRESERVE The output value is equal to the input value.
enumeration U_SET_ZERO
The border condition used to extrapolate outside pixels.
ZERO Pixels outside of the image are considered as having the value 0.
MIRROR Pixels outside of the image are a replication the border image pixels.
enumeration ZERO
The binary output image. Its size and type are forced to the same values as the input. image None
The output object containing the number of modified voxels by the selected LUT. ApplyMorphologicalLutMsr None
Parameter Name Description Type Supported Values Default Value
The binary input image. Image Binary null
The input morphological LUT array defining the configurations to detect. MorphologicalLut2d new Data.MorphologicalLut2d(new Data.MorphologicalKernel2d(Data.MorphologicalKernel2d.Value.ONE))
The value to set when a predefined configuration is encountered.
M_SET_ZERO The output value is forced to 0.
M_SET_ONE The output value is forced to 1.
M_CHANGE The output value is the logical negation of the input value.
M_PRESERVE The output value is equal to the input value.
Enumeration M_SET_ONE
The value to set when the predefined configuration is not encountered.
U_SET_ZERO The output value is forced to 0.
U_SET_ONE The output value is forced to 1.
U_CHANGE The output value is the logical negation of the input value.
U_PRESERVE The output value is equal to the input value.
Enumeration U_SET_ZERO
The border condition used to extrapolate outside pixels.
ZERO Pixels outside of the image are considered as having the value 0.
MIRROR Pixels outside of the image are a replication the border image pixels.
Enumeration ZERO
The binary output image. Its size and type are forced to the same values as the input. Image null
The output object containing the number of modified voxels by the selected LUT. ApplyMorphologicalLutMsr null

Object Examples

auto polystyrene_mask = readVipImage( std::string( IMAGEDEVDATA_IMAGES_FOLDER ) + "" );

ApplyMorphologicalLut2d applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo;
applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo.setInputBinaryImage( polystyrene_mask );
applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo.setMorphologicalLut( MorphologicalLut2d::New( MorphologicalKernel2d::New( MorphologicalKernel2d::ONE ) ) );
applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo.setMatchingFlag( ApplyMorphologicalLut2d::MatchingFlag::M_SET_ONE );
applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo.setUnmatchingFlag( ApplyMorphologicalLut2d::UnmatchingFlag::U_SET_ZERO );
applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo.setBorderCondition( ApplyMorphologicalLut2d::BorderCondition::ZERO );

std::cout << "outputBinaryImage:" << applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo.outputBinaryImage()->toString();
std::cout << "modifiedPixelCount: " << applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo.outputMeasurement()->modifiedPixelCount( 0 ) ;
polystyrene_mask = imagedev.read_vip_image(imagedev_data.get_image_path(""))

apply_morphological_lut_2d_algo = imagedev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d()
apply_morphological_lut_2d_algo.input_binary_image = polystyrene_mask
apply_morphological_lut_2d_algo.morphological_lut = imagedev.MorphologicalLut2d(imagedev.MorphologicalKernel2d(imagedev.MorphologicalKernel2d.Value.ONE))
apply_morphological_lut_2d_algo.matching_flag = imagedev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.M_SET_ONE
apply_morphological_lut_2d_algo.unmatching_flag = imagedev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.U_SET_ZERO
apply_morphological_lut_2d_algo.border_condition = imagedev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.ZERO

print("output_binary_image:", str(apply_morphological_lut_2d_algo.output_binary_image))
print("modifiedPixelCount: ", str(apply_morphological_lut_2d_algo.output_measurement.modified_pixel_count(0)))
ImageView polystyrene_mask = Data.ReadVipImage( @"Data/images/" );

ApplyMorphologicalLut2d applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo = new ApplyMorphologicalLut2d
    inputBinaryImage = polystyrene_mask,
    morphologicalLut = new Data.MorphologicalLut2d(new Data.MorphologicalKernel2d(Data.MorphologicalKernel2d.Value.ONE)),
    matchingFlag = ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.MatchingFlag.M_SET_ONE,
    unmatchingFlag = ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.UnmatchingFlag.U_SET_ZERO,
    borderCondition = ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.BorderCondition.ZERO

Console.WriteLine( "outputBinaryImage:" + applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo.outputBinaryImage.ToString() );
Console.WriteLine( "modifiedPixelCount: " + applyMorphologicalLut2dAlgo.outputMeasurement.modifiedPixelCount( 0 ) );

Function Examples

auto polystyrene_mask = readVipImage( std::string( IMAGEDEVDATA_IMAGES_FOLDER ) + "" );

auto result = applyMorphologicalLut2d( polystyrene_mask, MorphologicalLut2d::New( MorphologicalKernel2d::New( MorphologicalKernel2d::ONE ) ), ApplyMorphologicalLut2d::MatchingFlag::M_SET_ONE, ApplyMorphologicalLut2d::UnmatchingFlag::U_SET_ZERO, ApplyMorphologicalLut2d::BorderCondition::ZERO );

std::cout << "outputBinaryImage:" << result.outputBinaryImage->toString();
std::cout << "modifiedPixelCount: " << result.outputMeasurement->modifiedPixelCount( 0 ) ;
polystyrene_mask = imagedev.read_vip_image(imagedev_data.get_image_path(""))

result_output_binary_image, result_output_measurement = imagedev.apply_morphological_lut_2d(polystyrene_mask, imagedev.MorphologicalLut2d(imagedev.MorphologicalKernel2d(imagedev.MorphologicalKernel2d.Value.ONE)), imagedev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.M_SET_ONE, imagedev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.U_SET_ZERO, imagedev.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.ZERO)

print("output_binary_image:", str(result_output_binary_image))
print("modifiedPixelCount: ", str(result_output_measurement.modified_pixel_count(0)))
ImageView polystyrene_mask = Data.ReadVipImage( @"Data/images/" );

Processing.ApplyMorphologicalLut2dOutput result = Processing.ApplyMorphologicalLut2d( polystyrene_mask, new Data.MorphologicalLut2d(new Data.MorphologicalKernel2d(Data.MorphologicalKernel2d.Value.ONE)), ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.MatchingFlag.M_SET_ONE, ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.UnmatchingFlag.U_SET_ZERO, ApplyMorphologicalLut2d.BorderCondition.ZERO );

Console.WriteLine( "outputBinaryImage:" + result.outputBinaryImage.ToString() );
Console.WriteLine(  "modifiedPixelCount: " + result.outputMeasurement.modifiedPixelCount( 0 )  );