

Contains information related to the area or volume fraction of particles of an image relatively to regions of a second image.

Information about the measurement named measurement can be accessed by using the method measurementInformation() which returns a FieldInformation
Information about the measurement named measurement can be accessed by using the property measurementInformation which returns a FieldInformation
Information about the measurement named measurement can be accessed by using the property measurement_information which returns a FieldInformation

Object members

Measurement name DescriptionElement typeIndexingPhysical Information
intersectionRatio The ratio of particle to region size. Floating point [particle, region] RATIO

Object methods

Method Description
void toDataFrame() Convert the measurement to an IOLink.DataFrame
Method Description
void ToDataFrame() Convert the measurement to an IOLink.DataFrame
Method Description
void to_data_frame() Convert the measurement to an IOLink.DataFrame

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