

Contains measurements expressing color or gray level statistical attributes, using the label input image as a mask.

These measurements are based on the intensity input image. Using them with a label or binary intensity image is not relevant, except for the IntensityIntegral and SquareIntensityIntegral measurements, which represent a voxel count when the intensity image is binary.

When applied to a color or multispectral intensity image, these measurements return one value for each intensity channel.

Object members

Measurement name DescriptionElement typeIndexingPhysical Information
IntensityMinimum The minimum pixel intensity of the particle. Floating point [label, channel] INTENSITY
IntensityMaximum The maximum pixel intensity of the particle. Floating point [label, channel] INTENSITY
IntensityMean The average pixel intensity value. Floating point [label, channel] INTENSITY
IntensityStandardDeviation The standard deviation of the pixel intensities. Floating point [label, channel] INTENSITY
IntensityMedian The median pixel intensity within the particle. The median can be computed only on particles having less than 65535 different intensities. When more intensities are encountered, the median value is assigned to 3.402823E38. Floating point [label, channel] INTENSITY
IntensityMajority The most represented pixel intensity value inside the particle. It uses the nearest value with the average intensity of the particle if several intensities met this criterion. The majority can be computed only on particles having less than 65535 different intensities. When more intensities are encountered, the majority value is assigned to 3.402823E38. Floating point [label, channel] INTENSITY
IntensityCount The number of different values in the intensity image associated to each object of the label image. It is particularly useful for counting the number of markers in an image under a mask defined in another image. The measurement can be computed only on particles having less than 65535 different intensities. When more intensities are encountered, the value is assigned to -2. Integer [label] COUNT
IntensityIntegral The sum of the pixel intensity values. If the intensity image is the binary segmented image, it represents the pixel number of the object. Floating point [label, channel] INTENSITY
IntensitySquareIntegral The sum of the squares of pixel intensity values. Floating point [label, channel] SQUARE_INTENSITY

Object methods

Method Description
void toDataFrame() Convert the measurement to an IOLink.DataFrame
Method Description
void ToDataFrame() Convert the measurement to an IOLink.DataFrame
Method Description
void to_data_frame() Convert the measurement to an IOLink.DataFrame