

Contains information on a CUDA context.

This class allows defining the execution context for CUDA functions. For more information, refer to the CUDA documentation.


Method Description
Ptr New( int cudaDeviceId = 0, const bool initStream = true ) Constructor returning a new CUDA Context.
  • cudaDeviceId: Device ID of an NVIDIA card.
  • initStream: Indicates if the CUDA stream should be initialized or set to null.
int cudaDeviceId() const Gets the device ID.
void setCudaDeviceId( int newCudaDeviceId ) Sets the device ID.
  • newCudaDeviceId: Device ID of an NVIDIA card.
void* cudaStream() const Gets the CUDA stream.
void setCudaStream( void* newCudaStream ) Sets the CUDA stream.
  • newCudaStream: New CUDA stream.
Method Description
CudaContext(cuda_device_id: ctypes.c_int32 = 0, init_stream: bool = True) Constructor returning a new CUDA Context.
  • cuda_device_id: Device ID of an NVIDIA card.
  • init_stream: Indicates if the CUDA stream should be initialized or defined to null.
Attributes Description
device_id -> Int32 Device ID of an NVIDIA card.
cuda_stream -> ctypes.c_void_p A CUDA stream.
Method Description
CudaContext(Int32 cudaDeviceId = 0, bool initStream = true) Constructor returning a new CUDA Context.
  • cudaDeviceId: Device ID of an NVIDIA card.
  • initStream: Indicates if the CUDA stream should be initialized or defined to null.
Attributes Description
CudaDeviceId -> Int32 Device ID of an NVIDIA card.
CudaStream -> IntPtr A CUDA stream.