

This attribute defines the additional parameters for the Breadth3d measurement.

The Breadth3d measurement, available in the Feret category, is customizable by the Feret3d attribute and the following methods.


Method Description
void setOrientationCount( uint64_t number ) Sets the number of Feret angles used in planes orthogonal to the major axis.
uint64_t orientationCount() const Returns the number of Feret angles used in planes orthogonal to the major axis.

Breadth3d::Ptr breadth3d = MeasurementAttributes::breadth3d();
breadth3d->setOrientationCount( 5 );
int orientationCountValue = breadth3d->orientationCount();
Attributes Description
orientation_count Returns or sets the number of Feret angles used in planes orthogonal to the major axis.

breadth3d = imagedev.MeasurementAttributes.breadth3d
breadth3d.orientation_count = 10
orientation_count_value = breadth3d.orientation_count
Attributes Description
orientationCount Gets or sets the number of Feret angles used in planes orthogonal to the major axis.

Breadth3d breadth3d = MeasurementAttributes.breadth3d();
auto orientationCountValue = breadth3d.orientationCount;
breadth3d.SetOrientation(4, 30);
auto orientationValue = breadth3d.Orientation(4);
auto orientationValue = breadth3d.Orientation(4);