

Represents a set of 3x3x3 morphological kernels stored as a one-dimensional array.


Method Description
Ptr New() Constructor returning an empty MorphologicalLut3d
Ptr New( const MorphologicalKernel3d::Ptr kernel,
const size_t rotationX,
const size_t rotationY,
const size_t rotationZ)
Constructor returning a MorphologicalLut3d with a kernel with a specific rotation
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • rotationX: the number of PI/4 rotations on X axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationY: the number of PI/4 rotations on Y axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationZ: the number of PI/4 rotations on Z axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • Ptr New( const MorphologicalKernel3d::Ptr kernel ) Constructor returning a MorphologicalLut3d with a kernel in all possible rotations
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • void addKernel( const MorphologicalKernel3d::Ptr kernel,
    const size_t rotationX = 0,
    const size_t rotationY = 0,
    const size_t rotationZ = 0 )
    Adds a morphological kernel to the morphological LUT.
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • rotationX: the number of PI/4 rotations on X axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationY: the number of PI/4 rotations on Y axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationZ: the number of PI/4 rotations on Z axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • void addKernels( const MorphologicalKernel3d::Ptr kernel ) Adds a morphological kernel to the morphological LUT with all possible rotations.
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • void reset() Resets the LUT to initial values; that is, remove all kernels from the morphological LUT.
    size_t kernelCount() Returns the number of kernels in the LUT.
    Method Description
    MorphologicalLut3d() Constructor returning an empty MorphologicalLut3d
    MorphologicalLut3d(kernel, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ) Constructor returning a MorphologicalLut3d with a kernel with a specific rotation
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • rotationX: the number of PI/4 rotations on X axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationY: the number of PI/4 rotations on Y axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationZ: the number of PI/4 rotations on Z axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • MorphologicalLut3d(kernel) Constructor returning a MorphologicalLut3d with a kernel in all possible rotations
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • add_kernel(kernel,
    Adds a morphological kernel to the morphological LUT.
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • rotationX: the number of PI/4 rotations on X axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationY: the number of PI/4 rotations on Y axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationZ: the number of PI/4 rotations on Z axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • add_kernels(kernel) Adds a morphological kernel to the morphological LUT with all possible rotations.
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • reset() Resets the LUT to initial values; that is, remove all kernels from the morphological LUT.
    kernel_count() Returns the number of kernels in the LUT.
    Method Description
    public MorphologicalLut3d() Constructor returning an empty MorphologicalLut3d
    public MorphologicalLut3d(MorphologicalKernel3d kernel,
    int rotationX,
    int rotationY,
    int rotationZ)
    Constructor returning a MorphologicalLut3d with a kernel with a specific rotation
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • rotationX: the number of PI/4 rotations on X axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationY: the number of PI/4 rotations on Y axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationZ: the number of PI/4 rotations on Z axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • public MorphologicalLut3d(MorphologicalKernel3d kernel) Constructor returning a MorphologicalLut3d with a kernel in all possible rotations
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • void AddKernel(MorphologicalKernel3d kernel,
    int rotationX = 0,
    int rotationY = 0,
    int rotationZ = 0)
    Adds a morphological kernel to the morphological LUT.
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • rotationX: the number of PI/4 rotations on X axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationY: the number of PI/4 rotations on Y axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • rotationZ: the number of PI/4 rotations on Z axis to apply on the kernel before inserting it.
  • void AddKernels(MorphologicalKernel3d kernel) Adds a morphological kernel to the morphological LUT with all possible rotations.
  • kernel: the MorphologicalKernel3d object to be inserted into the MorphologicalLut3d.
  • void Reset() Resets the LUT to initial values; that is, remove all kernels from the morphological LUT.
    int KernelCount () Returns the number of kernels in the LUT.