
ImageDev C++

This section details how to start with ImageDev C++.
ImageDev C++ can be installed with a package archives.


Supported platforms

To use ImageDev in a C++ project you need:

Package deployment

ImageDev C++ is distributed as downloadable archives.

To launch ImageDev examples or to create a new ImageDev C++ project, you need to: Thereafter we will consider that:

Launching the ImageDev examples

All tutorials of the ImageDev user guide are available in the ImageDevExamplesC++ package. This section describes how to launch these examples.

Project generation

To create the C++ solution containing the ImageDev examples:

Hello ImageDev C++

You are now ready to run your first ImageDev code. You can now

Creating a new project linked to ImageDev

Build environment creation

To create a new project using ImageDev from package archives, you need to:

Project generation

Start using ImageDev

To create your first ImageDev processing code, you need to open or create a C++ project generated with the CMake options and add the following directives for including ImageDev, optionally IOLink and IOFormat, headers and namespaces.
#include <ImageDev/ImageDev.h>
#include <ioformat/IOFormat.h>
#include <iolink/view/ImageViewProvider.h>
using namespace imagedev;
using namespace ioformat;
using namespace iolink;
You must first build the "INSTALL" project to copy the ImageDev libraries in the output directory.