
ImageDev C#

This section details how to start with ImageDev .NET.
The following information has been mostly tested on Windows with Visual 2017 on .NET Framework and .NET Core projects.

ImageDev C# can be installed with NuGet local feeds, set up from the package archives available in the ImageDev download page.


Supported platforms

ImageDev requires a .NET platform compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 or 2.1, which means:

NuGet package manager

ImageDev is distributed as NuGet packages. These packages are available in downloadable archives.
First, the Visual Studio package manager must be set in PackageReference mode:

Creating local NuGet feeds

This section describes how to configure a NuGet private server for deploying ImageDev packages.

To create a new ImageDev project from an available package archive, you need to:
  nuget init path_to_unzipped_ImageDev/nuget path_to_local_server
  nuget init path_to_unzipped_ImageDevExamples/nuget path_to_local_server
Where: More information about how to host packages as private feeds is available on the Microsoft site.

Configuration of the NuGet server

In Visual Studio, NuGet must be configured as follows:

Project configuration

For a Visual Studio project, the ImageDev prepacks are managed by NuGet:

Hello ImageDev C#

To use ImageDev, you first need to open or create a .NET Framework or .NET Core project and add the using directives for ImageDev, IOLink and IOFormat.
using ImageDev;
using IOLink;
using IOFormat; 
You are now ready to write your first ImageDev code, for instance by copying and pasting the content of the Main function of the C# example available at the end of the HelloImageDev tutorial page.

You can now run this code and compare the resulting images with those shown in the HelloImageDev tutorial.