
ImageDev C++

This section details how to start with ImageDev C++.
ImageDev C++ can be installed with a package archives.


Supported platforms

To use ImageDev in a C++ project you need:

Package Deployment

Thereafter we will consider that:

Creating a new project linked to ImageDev

Build environment from package archives

To create a new project using ImageDev from package archives, you need to:

Project configuration

Start using ImageDev

To create your first ImageDev processing code, you need to open or create a C++ project generated with the CMake options and add the following directives for including ImageDev, IOLink and IOFormat headers and namespaces.
#include <ImageDev/ImageDev.h>
#include <ioformat/IOFormat.h>
#include <iolink/view/ImageViewProvider.h>
using namespace imagedev;
using namespace ioformat;
using namespace iolink;
You must first build the "install" project to copy the ImageDev libraries in the output directory.

Launching the ImageDev examples

All tutorials of the ImageDev user guide are available in the ImageDevExamplesC++ package. This section describes how to launch these examples.

Project configuration

Hello ImageDev C++

You are now ready to run your first ImageDev code.
You can now run this code and compare the resulting images with those shown in the HelloImageDev tutorial.