
Particle Analysis

This example chains several classic image processing algorithms, and extracts features of particles contained in a grayscale image.
The first step of this example consists in binarizing the input grayscale image. The ThresholdingByCriterion algorithm is used to set all pixels with an intensity greater than 128 to 1 and the rest to 0.

Then the SeparateObjects algorithm is applied to disconnect the connected particles. This method computes a watershed on the distance map to detect isthmuses joining adjacent particles.

Many particles are touching the border of the image field. Since their entire shapes are unknown, these objects would generate a bias when measuring individual features on the particles. Therefore, the BorderKill algorithm is used to remove these objects.

Last, a labelization step is performed to assign a unique value to each set of connected pixels. In this way all particles are identified.

Figure 1. Particle segmentation (a) the initial image, (b) the thresholding result, (c) watershed based separation and (d) final image after rejecting border objects and labelization

Once this segmentation phase is done, the analysis algorithm is launched after having selected four measurements to compute: The measurement results are finally printed in the console to show how to access each computed feature.
Number of particles = 58
Particle BarycenterX BarycenterY EquivalentDiameter IntensityMean

More than 250 other measurements are also available and described in the Native Measurements section of the ImageDev Reference Guide.
#include <ImageDev/Data/AnalysisMsr.h>
#include <ImageDev/Data/NativeMeasurements.h>
#include <ImageDev/ImageDev.h>
#include <ioformat/IOFormat.h>
#include <iolink/view/ImageViewProvider.h>
#include <string.h>

using namespace imagedev;
using namespace ioformat;
using namespace iolink;

main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    int status = 0;

        // ImageDev library initialization
        if ( imagedev::isInitialized() == false )

        // Open a standard tif file and display the image properties
        auto imageInput = readImage( std::string( IMAGEDEVDATA_IMAGES_FOLDER ) + "polystyrene.tif" );

        // Threshold the grayscale image
        auto imageThr =
            thresholdingByCriterion( imageInput, ThresholdingByCriterion::ComparisonCriterion::GREATER_THAN, 128 );

        // Separate connected particles
        auto imageSep = separateObjects( imageThr,
                                         SeparateObjects::Neighborhood::CONNECTIVITY_26 );

        // Remove particles touching image borders
        auto imageBdk = borderKill( imageSep, BorderKill::Neighborhood::CONNECTIVITY_26 );

        // Connected component labeling of a binary image
        auto imageLab =
            labeling2d( imageBdk, Labeling2d::LabelType::LABEL_8_BIT, Labeling2d::Neighborhood::CONNECTIVITY_8 );

        // The number of particles is the maximum label
        auto extrema = intensityExtrema( imageLab, 0 );
        int particleCount = ( int )extrema->maximum( 0, 0, 0 );

        // Define the analysis features to be computed
        AnalysisMsr::Ptr analysis = std::make_shared< AnalysisMsr >();
        auto centerX = analysis->select( NativeMeasurements::barycenterX );
        auto centerY = analysis->select( NativeMeasurements::barycenterY );
        auto diameter = analysis->select( NativeMeasurements::equivalentDiameter );
        auto intensity = analysis->select( NativeMeasurements::intensityMean );

        // Launch the feature extraction on the segmented image
        labelAnalysis( imageLab, imageInput, analysis );
        std::cout << "Number of particles = " << particleCount << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Particle\t" << centerX->name() << "\t" << centerY->name() << "\t"
                  << diameter->name() + "\t" + intensity->name() << std::endl;
        // Print the analysis results for 10% of the particles
        for ( int i = 0; i < ( int )( particleCount / 10 ); i++ )
            std::cout << ( i + 1 ) << "\t\t" << centerX->value( i ) << "\t\t" << centerY->value( i ) << "\t\t"
                      << diameter->value( i ) << "\t\t\t" << intensity->value( i ) << std::endl;

        // Save the created image with IOFormat
        writeView( imageLab, "T06_01_output.png" );

        std::cout << "This example ran successfully." << std::endl;
    catch ( const imagedev::Exception& error )
        // Print potential exception in the standard output
        std::cerr << "ImageDev exception: " << error.what() << std::endl;
        status = -1;

    // ImageDev library finalization

    // Check if we must ask for an enter key to close the program
    if ( !( ( argc == 2 ) && strcmp( argv[1], "--no-stop-at-end" ) == 0 ) )
        std::cout << "Press Enter key to close this window." << std::endl, getchar();

    return status;
using System;
using ImageDev;
using IOLink;
using IOFormat;

namespace T06_01_ParticleAnalysis
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int status = 0;

                // ImageDev library initialization

                // Open a standard tif file and display the image properties
                ImageView imageInput = ViewIO.ReadImage("Data/images/polystyrene.tif");

                // Threshold the grayscale image
                ImageView imageThr = Processing.ThresholdingByCriterion(
                    imageInput, ThresholdingByCriterion.ComparisonCriterion.GREATER_THAN, 128);

                // Separate connected particles
                ImageView imageSep = Processing.SeparateObjects(imageThr, 2);

                // Remove particles touching image borders
                ImageView imageBdk = Processing.BorderKill(imageSep);

                // Connected component labeling of a binary image
                var imageLab = Processing.Labeling2d(imageBdk,

                // The number of particles is the maximum label
                var extrema = Processing.IntensityExtrema(imageLab, 0) as IntensityExtremaMsr;
                int particleCount = (int)extrema.maximum(0, 0, 0);

                // Define the analysis features to be computed
                AnalysisMsr analysis = new AnalysisMsr();
                var centerX = analysis.Select(NativeMeasurements.BarycenterX);
                var centerY = analysis.Select(NativeMeasurements.BarycenterY);
                var diameter = analysis.Select(NativeMeasurements.EquivalentDiameter);
                var intensity = analysis.Select(NativeMeasurements.IntensityMean);

                // Launch the feature extraction on the segmented image
                Processing.LabelAnalysis(imageLab, imageInput, analysis);
                Console.WriteLine("Number of particles = " + particleCount);
                Console.WriteLine("Particle\t" + centerX.Name() + "\t" + centerY.Name() + "\t" + diameter.Name() + "\t" +
                // Print the analysis results for 10% of the particles
                for (int i = 0; i < (int)(particleCount / 10); i++)
                    Console.WriteLine((i + 1) + "\t\t" + centerX.Value(i).ToString("0.00") + "\t\t" +
                                       centerY.Value(i).ToString("0.00") + "\t\t" +
                                       diameter.Value(i).ToString("0.00") + "\t\t\t" +

                // Save the created image with IOFormat
                ViewIO.WriteView(imageBdk, "T06_01_output.png");

            catch (Exception error)
                // Print potential exception in the standard output
                System.Console.WriteLine("HelloImageDev exception: " + error.ToString());
                status = -1;

            // ImageDev library finalization

            // Check if we must ask for an enter key to close the program
            if (!((args.Length >= 1) && (args[0] == "--no-stop-at-end")))
                System.Console.WriteLine("Press Enter key to close this window.");

import imagedev
import imagedev_data
import ioformat

# Initialize the ImageDev library if not done
if (imagedev.is_initialized() == False): imagedev.init()

# Open and display a tif file
image_input = ioformat.read_image(imagedev_data.get_image_path("polystyrene.tif"))

# Threshold the grayscale image
image_thr = imagedev.thresholding_by_criterion(\
  image_input, imagedev.ThresholdingByCriterion.ComparisonCriterion.GREATER_THAN, 128)

# Separate connected particles
image_sep = imagedev.separate_objects(image_thr, 2)
image_thr = None

# Remove particles touching image borders
image_bdk = imagedev.border_kill(image_sep)
image_sep = None

# Connected component labeling of a binary image
image_lab = imagedev.labeling_2d(\
  image_bdk, imagedev.Labeling2d.LabelType.LABEL_8_BIT, imagedev.Labeling2d.Neighborhood.CONNECTIVITY_8)

# The number of particles is the maximum label
extrema = imagedev.intensity_extrema(image_lab, 0)
particle_count = int(extrema.maximum(0, 0, 0))

# Define the analysis features to be computed
analysis = imagedev.AnalysisMsr()
center_x =
center_y =
diameter =
intensity =

# Launch the feature extraction on the segmented image
imagedev.label_analysis(image_lab, image_input, analysis)
print("Number of particles = " + str(particle_count))
print("Particle\t" + + "\t" + + "\t" + + "\t" +
# Print the analysis results for 10% of the particles
for i in range(int(particle_count/10)):
  print(str(i+1) + '\t\t\t' + "{:.2f}".format(center_x.value(i)) +'\t\t' + "{:.2f}".format(center_y.value(i)) +\
    '\t\t' + "{:.2f}".format(diameter.value(i)) + '\t\t\t\t' + "{:.2f}".format(intensity.value(i)))

# Save the created image with IOFormat
ioformat.write_view(image_lab, "T06_01_output.png")

# ImageDev library finalization

See also