IOLink  IOL_v1.6.1_release
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NiolinkAll IOLink symbols are enclosed in this namespace
 CArrayXA multi dimensionnal array
 CConstMetadataNodeIteratorClass represents a const iterator on a list of Metadata nodes
 CDataAccessParent interface of interfaces used to manipulate raw bytes
 CDataConverterHandle conversion of data buffers described by an IOLink DataType
 CDataFrameViewView to model tabular data
 CDataStorageDescribes a data source, that manages and opens DataAccess instances
 CDataTypeStores information about a data type
 CDataTypeTraits< const char * >
 CDataTypeTraits< double >
 CDataTypeTraits< float >
 CDataTypeTraits< int16_t >
 CDataTypeTraits< int32_t >
 CDataTypeTraits< int64_t >
 CDataTypeTraits< int8_t >
 CDataTypeTraits< std::string >
 CDataTypeTraits< std::u16string >
 CDataTypeTraits< std::u32string >
 CDataTypeTraits< uint16_t >
 CDataTypeTraits< uint32_t >
 CDataTypeTraits< uint64_t >
 CDataTypeTraits< uint8_t >
 CDataTypeTraits< Vector< T, N > >
 CDependencyGraphAlgorithms on the dependency graph
 CErrorError base class
 CExtensionParent class for all views extensions
 CFlagSetTemplate class to handle a flags system from an enum
 CHTTPHeadersA class used to pass HTTP headers as input of factories methods
 CEntryAn entry of the HTTP header set
 CImageInfoPropertyThis property describes the way the axes must be interpreted (IMAGE, VOLUME, SEQUENCE...) and also the composition of the image by providing :
 CImagePropertiesHold additionnal info for ImageView data interpretation
 CImageTypeA flag system that describes the dimensions of an image
 CImageTypeIdEnum for the image type (see ImageType)
 CImageViewInterface representing an N dimensional image
 CImageViewFactoryThis factory is aimed at creating dataset views
 CImageViewProviderUtility class to check and convert a View into an ImagevView
 CIndexerThis class is used to index a classic array into a multi dimensional array
 CInvalidArgument'Invalid argument' error raised when an argument is not the one expected in a public method
 CLodImageViewA view on an image with multiple levels of detail (LOD)
 CLodImageViewProviderUtility class for LodImageView support
 CLoggerManage IOLink logging
 CMatrixAn arithmetic square matrix
 CMetadataNodeClass which represents one node from a metadata tree
 CMetadataNodeFactoryA factory to build MetadataNode instances
 CMetadataNodeHelperA collection of functions to handle paths on MetadataNode instances
 CMetadataNodeIteratorClass represents an iterator on a list of Metadata nodes
 CMultiImageViewInterface representing a multi-image view, i.e
 CMultiImageViewFactoryThis factory is aimed at creating stack of ImageViews
 CMultiImageViewProviderUtility class to check and convert a View into a MultiImagevView
 CNotImplemented'Not implemented' error raised when a 'not available' method is called
 CParallelAccessExtensionImageView extension to give information about how to efficiently access it in a multi-threaded environment
 CRandomAccessInterface representing a generic array-like accessor
 CRandomAccessFactoryA factory to create RandomAccess instances from various ressources
 CRandomAccessProviderUtility class to check and convert a DataAccess into a RandomAccess
 CRegionA multi-dimensional region defined by its origin and its size
 CRegionCopierThis class contains the algorithms used to copy data beetween two regions of N dimensionnal data
 CRegionXA Region using dynamic vectors
 CSerializationSerialization class which provides methods to serialize and unserialize most of IOLink objects
 CSpatialCalibrationPropertyThis Property is used to represent the image properties in world space
 CSpatialDirectionsDescribes a spatial axis system, with direction vectors describing the three axes
 CStreamAccessMother interface for all stream-like data accessors
 CStreamAccessFactoryA factory to create StreamAccess instances from various ressources
 CStreamAccessProviderUtility class to check and convert a DataAccess into a StreamAccess
 CTilingInfoExtensionImageView extension to describe how an image is tiled
 CUriClass modeling universal resource identifier
 CVariantDataValueStores metadata heterogeneous type value
 CVariantDataValueConverterConverter contains a set of method allowing to interpret a VariantDataValue as a determined type
 CVariantDataValueFactoryA factory to create VariantDataValue instances from a great variety of types
 CVectorAn arithmetic vector
 CVectorXA dynamically sized arithmetic vector
 CVersionInfoSimple structure to hold version info
 CVersioningVersioning tool to check library infos
 CViewInterface representing a generic view on data
 CViewOriginExtensionExtension used to access view's origins if it exists
 CWriterInterface to use in order to output a view to another medium