IOLink IOL_v1.8.0_release
▼Niolink | All IOLink symbols are enclosed in this namespace |
CArrayX | A multi dimensionnal array |
CConstMetadataNodeIterator | Class represents a const iterator on a list of Metadata nodes |
CDataAccess | Parent interface of interfaces used to manipulate raw bytes |
CDataConverter | Handle conversion of data buffers described by an IOLink DataType |
CDataFrameView | View to model tabular data |
CDataFrameViewFactory | |
CDataFrameViewProvider | |
CDataStorage | Describes a data source, that manages and opens DataAccess instances |
CDataType | Stores information about a data type |
CDataTypeTraits | |
CDataTypeTraits< const char * > | |
CDataTypeTraits< double > | |
CDataTypeTraits< float > | |
CDataTypeTraits< int16_t > | |
CDataTypeTraits< int32_t > | |
CDataTypeTraits< int64_t > | |
CDataTypeTraits< int8_t > | |
CDataTypeTraits< std::string > | |
CDataTypeTraits< std::u16string > | |
CDataTypeTraits< std::u32string > | |
CDataTypeTraits< uint16_t > | |
CDataTypeTraits< uint32_t > | |
CDataTypeTraits< uint64_t > | |
CDataTypeTraits< uint8_t > | |
CDataTypeTraits< Vector< T, N > > | |
CDependencyGraph | Algorithms on the dependency graph |
CError | Error base class |
CExtension | Parent class for all views extensions |
CExtensionProvider | |
CFlagSet | Template class to handle a flags system from an enum |
▼CHTTPHeaders | A class used to pass HTTP headers as input of factories methods |
CEntry | An entry of the HTTP header set |
CImageInfoProperty | This property describes the way the axes must be interpreted (IMAGE, VOLUME, SEQUENCE...) and also the composition of the image by providing : |
CImageProperties | Hold additionnal info for ImageView data interpretation |
CImageType | A flag system that describes the dimensions of an image |
CImageTypeId | Enum for the image type (see ImageType) |
CImageView | Interface representing an N dimensional image |
CImageViewFactory | This factory is aimed at creating dataset views |
CImageViewProvider | Utility class to check and convert a View into an ImagevView |
CIndexer | This class is used to index a classic array into a multi dimensional array |
CInvalidArgument | 'Invalid argument' error raised when an argument is not the one expected in a public method |
CLodImageView | A view on an image with multiple levels of detail (LOD) |
CLodImageViewProvider | Utility class for LodImageView support |
CLogger | Manage IOLink logging |
CMatrix | An arithmetic square matrix |
CMetadataNode | Class which represents one node from a metadata tree |
CMetadataNodeFactory | A factory to build MetadataNode instances |
CMetadataNodeHelper | A collection of functions to handle paths on MetadataNode instances |
CMetadataNodeIterator | Class represents an iterator on a list of Metadata nodes |
CMultiImageView | Interface representing a multi-image view, i.e |
CMultiImageViewFactory | This factory is aimed at creating stack of ImageViews |
CMultiImageViewProvider | Utility class to check and convert a View into a MultiImagevView |
CNotImplemented | 'Not implemented' error raised when a 'not available' method is called |
CParallelAccessExtension | ImageView extension to give information about how to efficiently access it in a multi-threaded environment |
CRandomAccess | Interface representing a generic array-like accessor |
CRandomAccessFactory | A factory to create RandomAccess instances from various ressources |
CRandomAccessProvider | Utility class to check and convert a DataAccess into a RandomAccess |
CRegion | A multi-dimensional region defined by its origin and its size |
CRegionCopier | This class contains the algorithms used to copy data beetween two regions of N dimensionnal data |
CRegionX | A Region using dynamic vectors |
CSerialization | Serialization class which provides methods to serialize and unserialize most of IOLink objects |
CSpatialCalibrationProperty | This Property is used to represent the image properties in world space |
CSpatialDirections | Describes a spatial axis system, with direction vectors describing the three axes |
CStreamAccess | Mother interface for all stream-like data accessors |
CStreamAccessFactory | A factory to create StreamAccess instances from various ressources |
CStreamAccessProvider | Utility class to check and convert a DataAccess into a StreamAccess |
CTilingInfoExtension | ImageView extension to describe how an image is tiled |
CUidGenerator | A collection of fonctions and constant useful for managing unique identifiers |
CUri | Class modeling universal resource identifier |
CVariantDataValue | Stores metadata heterogeneous type value |
CVariantDataValueConverter | Converter contains a set of method allowing to interpret a VariantDataValue as a determined type |
CVariantDataValueFactory | A factory to create VariantDataValue instances from a great variety of types |
CVector | An arithmetic vector |
CVectorX | A dynamically sized arithmetic vector |
CVersioning | Versioning tool to check library infos |
CView | Interface representing a generic view on data |
CViewOriginExtension | Extension used to access view's origins if it exists |
CWriter | Interface to use in order to output a view to another medium |