IOLink IOL_v1.8.0_release
No Matches

IOLink provides a mechanism of serialization for most of its objects. It allows to encode any object into a StreamAccess, and then, decode them to re-build similar objects in memory.

For each object, an encoding format has been defined, but a header is common to all objects.

Encoding format is versioned to check compatibility at decoding. A major and a minor value are encoded in the header.

Only minor versions are compatible.

To avoid any endianness issue, all data are encoded in big-endian and decoded in native-endian.

Common Header

Starts every IOLink object serialization.

Offset Size Type Information
0 4 uint32_t Magic number "IOL " (ASCII encoding)
4 2 uint16_t Serialization major version
6 2 uint16_t Serialization minor version
8 4 uint32_t Object identifier (see each object formatting)

Header is only written once for a whole object, and is not repeated for each internal object encoding.

e.g.: Specifically encoding a Vector triggers the writing of a header. But to encode an ImageView (which contains many Vectors), headers for Vector objects are skipped.

Version compatibility

In the header, a serialization version field indicates which version was used for encoding. When decoding, this version is checked to ensure compatibility:

encoding version decoding version compatibility
X.Y X.Y compatible
X.Y X.Z compatible if Z > Y
X.Y W.Z not compatible

Internally, in a newer minor version, only optional fields can be added to an existing object (already defined object identifier). A new major version is defined if new object are created or for any other modifications in existing ones.

Data section

Generic data are always encoded the same and as follows:

Offset Size Type Information
0 8 uint64_t Size of data (in bytes)
8 see previous field uint8_t data

String section

String are encoded as follows:

Offset Size Type Information
0 8 uint64_t Length of string in bytes - no null-character at termination
8 Data section size Data section string content

Vector and VectorX

Vector and VectorX, despite they are 2 different objects in IOLink, have the same encoding format so as to ease the conversion from one to the other during decoding.

Object identifier
"VECT" (ASCII encoding)

Vector and VectorX are encoded as follow:

Offset (from header) Size Type Information
0 8 uint64_t Scalar type identifier (see DataType)
8 8 uint64_t Element count in the Vector(X) (is redundant with Type id for Vector objects)

At offset 16, vector components are encoded into a data section (See Data section).

For a Vector4u64 containing values [5, 15, 25, 35], elements are encoded in following order:

  • first 64-bit-word: 5
  • second 64-bit-word : 15
  • third 64-bit-word: 25
  • fourth 64-bit-word: 35

Here is an example of serialization of a Vector:

// we use an in-memory stream, but it can be any StreamAccess
std::shared_ptr<StreamAccess> stream = StreamAccessFactory::allocate();
Vector2u64 vect{50, 125};
// encode input Vector as Vector
Serialization::encodeVector2u64(vectIn, stream);

And then the decoding (in the meanwhile, stream object was reset to its initial position):

// decode the expected Vector2u64 from the stream
Vector2u64 vect = Serialization::decodeVector2u64(stream);
// or decode the Vector2u64 as a VectorXu64
// VectorXu64 vect = Serialization::decodeVectorXu64(stream);


ImageViews can be fully serialized. At decoding, an in-memory copy of original ImageView will be created.

A header with following OID precedes the encoding:

Object IDentifier
"IMAG" (ASCII encoding)

ImageView is encoded as follow:

Offset (from header) Size Type Information
0 depends on dimension count VectorXu64 shape of the ImageView (see VectorX)
undefined 8 uint64_t datatype identifier (see DataType)
undefined size of ImageProperties section ImageProperties ImageProperties of ImageView (see ImageProperties)
undefined size of Metadata section Metadata Metadata tree of ImageView (see Metadata)
undefined image Size x DataType size uint8_t image data (See Data)

Here is an example of encoding and decoding of an ImageView:

// we use an in-memory stream, but it can be any StreamAccess
std::shared_ptr<StreamAccess> stream = StreamAccessFactory::allocate();
std::shared_ptr<ImageView> image = ImageViewFactory::allocate(VectorXu64{10, 11, 12}, DataTypeId::INT8);
// encode input ImageView
Serialization::encodeImageView(image, stream);
// reset stream
stream->seek(0, SeekOrigin::BEGIN);
// decode input ImageView
std::shared_ptr<ImageView> imageDecoded = Serialization::decodeImageView(stream);


Offset Size Type Information
0 size of SpatialCalibration section SpatialCalibration SpatialCalibration of image (see SpatialCalibration)
undefined size of ImageInfoProperties section ImageInfoProperties ImageInfoProperties of image (see ImageInfoProperties)


Offset Size Type Information
0 24 Vector3d origin of image (see VectorX)
24 24 Vector3d spacing of image (see VectorX)
48 24 Vector3d direction column of image (see VectorX)
72 24 Vector3d direction row of image (see VectorX)
96 size of string section String unit (see String)


Offset Size Type Information
0 8 uint64_t ImageType
8 8 uint64_t ImageInterpretation
16 8 uint64_t hasAlpha
24 8 uint64_t bitDepth
32 16 Vector2d Value Range (see VectorX)


Metadata is an optional field of ImageView (can be null). Thus, each Metadata node section starts with a 64-bit-word indicating the presence of a node or not.

Tag value Description
"NMET" (ASCII encoding) No node
"META" (ASCII encoding) a node is encoded

And then, node is encoded as follows:

Offset after Tag Size Type Information
0 Size of string section String Key of node
undefined Size of VariantDataValue section VariantDataValue Value of node (see VariantDataValue)
undefined 8 uint64_t Child count
undefined Size of Metadata section Metadata Child 1 (if exists)
undefined Size of Metadata section Metadata Child 2 (if exists)
undefined Size of Metadata section Metadata Child ...(if exists)

For example, if we have the following Metadata tree:

Example of Metadata tree

it will be stored in this following order:



Value of a node is an optional field (can be null). Thus, each VariantDataValue section starts with 64-bit-word indicating the presence of a value or not.

Tag value Description
"NVAR" (ASCII encoding) No value
"VARI" (ASCII encoding) a value is encoded

And then, VariantDataValue is encoded as follows:

Offset after Tag Size Type Information
0 8 uint64_t DataType ident of value (see DataType)
8 8 uint64_t value count
16 Data section size DataSection list of values (See Data section)


A header with the following OID precedes the encoding:

Object IDentifier
"ARRY" (ASCII encoding)

ArrayX is encoded as follows:

Offset (from header) Size Type Information
0 variable VectorXu64 shape of the ArrayX (see VectorX)
undefined 8 uint64_t datatype identifier (see DataType)
undefined array size x data type size uint8_t image data (See Data)


A header with the following OID precedes the encoding:

Object IDentifier
"DATF" (ASCII encoding)

DataFrameViews are encoded as follows:

Offset (from header) Size Type Information
0 16 Vector2u64 shape of the DataFrameView (see Vector)
16 size of string section String name of column #0 (see String)
undefined 8 uint64_t datatype identifier for column #0 (see DataType)
undefined size of string section String name of column #1 (see String)
undefined 8 uint64_t datatype identifier for column #1 (see DataType)
undefined size of string section String name of column #... (see String)
undefined 8 uint64_t datatype identifier for column #... (see DataType)
undefined size of string section String name of column #N (see String)
undefined 8 uint64_t datatype identifier for column #N (see DataType)
undefined DataFrame data section size uint8_t column #0 data (See Data)
undefined DataFrame data section size uint8_t column #1 data (See Data)
undefined DataFrame data section size uint8_t column #... data (See Data)
undefined DataFrame data section size uint8_t column #N data (See Data)

DataFrame data

DataFrameView column data can be either a list of strings or numerical values. Consequently column data can be encoded in a classical data section or in a String section, depending on DataType of each column.


A header with the following OID precedes the encoding:

Object IDentifier
"MATR" (ASCII encoding)

Matrix is encoded as follows:

Offset (from header) Size Type Information
0 8 uint64_t dimension N of Matrix (3 or 4)
8 8 uint64_t datatype identifier (see DataType)
16 N x N x data type size uint8_t matrix data (See Data)