Texture Filters
This group contains algorithms that reveal texture attributes.
- MeanFilter2d: Computes, for each pixel of a two-dimensional image, the mean value of its neighborhood.
- MeanFilter3d: Computes, for each voxel of a three-dimensional image, the mean value of its neighborhood.
- VarianceFilter2d: Computes, for each pixel of a two-dimensional image, the variance value of its neighborhood.
- VarianceFilter3d: Computes, for each voxel of a three-dimensional image, the variance value of its neighborhood.
- SkewnessFilter2d: Computes, for each pixel of a two-dimensional image, the skewness value of its neighborhood.
- SkewnessFilter3d: Computes, for each voxel of a three-dimensional image, the skewness value of its neighborhood.
- KurtosisFilter2d: Computes, for each pixel of a two-dimensional image, the kurtosis value of its neighborhood.
- KurtosisFilter3d: Computes, for each voxel of a three-dimensional image, the kurtosis value of its neighborhood.
- ContrastFilter2d: Computes, for each pixel of a two-dimensional image, the contrast value of its neighborhood.
- ContrastFilter3d: Computes, for each voxel of a three-dimensional image, the contrast value of its neighborhood.
- VariationFilter2d: Computes, for each pixel of a two-dimensional image, the variation value of its neighborhood.
- VariationFilter3d: Computes, for each voxel of a three-dimensional image, the variation value of its neighborhood.
- EnergyFilter2d: Computes, for each pixel of a two-dimensional image, the energy value of its neighborhood.
- EnergyFilter3d: Computes, for each voxel of a three-dimensional image, the energy value of its neighborhood.
- EntropyFilter2d: Computes, for each pixel of a two-dimensional image, the entropy value of its neighborhood.
- EntropyFilter3d: Computes, for each voxel of a three-dimensional image, the entropy value of its neighborhood.
- AutocorrelationFilter: Computes the cross-correlation of an image by itself.
- LocalAutocorrelationFilter2d: Computes the cross correlation of a two-dimensional image by itself in a given window size.
- ImageCurvature2d: Computes local gray level curvature in a two-dimensional image.
- ImageCurvature3d: Computes local gray level curvature in a two-dimensional image.
- StructureEnhancementFilter2d: Enhances structures of interest in a two-dimensional image using a multi-scale analysis.
- StructureEnhancementFilter3d: Enhances structures of interest in a three-dimensional image using a multi-scale analysis.
- ScaleSpaceLogFilter2d: This filter applies a Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) filter at different scales, to enhance circular or elliptical (blob-like) objects.
The Texture Filters group contains filters that can be used to reveal the features of a texture; for instance,
by replacing a given pixel intensity by a first order statistic of its neighborhood.