IOLink IOL_v1.8.0_release
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Deprecated List
Member iolink::Indexer::Indexer (const VectorXu64 &shape, const VectorXu64 &stride, const VectorXu64 &layout)
Deprecated in 1.8, will be dropped in 2.0, you should use a constructor that specify the data type instead.
Member iolink::Indexer::Indexer (const VectorXu64 &shape, const VectorXu64 &stride, MemoryLayout standardLayout)
Deprecated in 1.8, will be dropped in 2.0, you should use a constructor that specify the data type instead.
Member iolink::Indexer::Indexer (const VectorXu64 &shape, const VectorXu64 &layout)
Deprecated in 1.8, will be dropped in 2.0, you should use a constructor that specify the data type instead.
Member iolink::Indexer::Indexer (const VectorXu64 &shape, MemoryLayout standardLayout)
Deprecated in 1.8, will be dropped in 2.0, you should use a constructor that specify the data type instead.
Member iolink::Indexer::Indexer (const VectorXu64 &shape)
Deprecated in 1.8, will be dropped in 2.0, you should use a constructor that specify the data type instead.
Member iolink::Indexer::offset (const VectorXu64 &index) const
Deprecated in 1.8, will be dropped in 2.0, you should use the byteOffset method instead.
Member iolink::Indexer::stride () const
Deprecated in 1.8, will be dropped in 2.0, you should use the byteStride method instead.
Member iolink::Indexer::stride (size_t index) const
Deprecated in 1.8, will be dropped in 2.0, you should use the byteStride method instead.