IOFormat  IOF_v1.3.1_release

IOFormat is delivered as using the Conan package manager for following platforms:

  • Windows:
    • Visual Studio 2017 (VC15)
    • Visual Studio 2019 (VC16)
  • Ubuntu 18.04: GCC 7
  • Ubuntu 20.04: GCC 9

Conan packages follow this naming convention:


Versions can be release or prerelease:

  • Releases follow the major.minor.patch usual form, and are always in the stable channel.
  • Pre-releases are like stable ones, but with prefixes, usually alpha or beta, followed by the increment, for example 1.0.0-alpha2 or 1.3.0-beta3. Pre-release are always pushed in the preview channel.

IOformat packages the library as dynamic libraries (.dll or .so), so these must be imported to any project using them, in order for them to be rightly loaded. To do this, the Conan import directive must be used in the user conanfile.

IOformat is currently developped to be compatible with Conan 1.23, and should work with any superior minor version.

Integration in your project

Add the IOFormat Conan package name into your as requirement. See the Conan documentation for more details.

Conan will generate targets for your required packages when calling the Conan "install" command, and you just need to use these targets as you would normally use them usually in CMake.

target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} CONAN_PKG::IOFormat)

Remark: IOFormat being based on IOLink library, requiring IOFormat inside your application will automatically import IOLink. There is no need to specify the IOLink Conan package in the required packages.