ImageDev 2024.1.2
- #VIP-1388 When using a license server with runtime and SDK licenses available, SDK licenses were taken in priority, even in case of a runtime usage – CAS-68489
ImageDev 2024.1.1
- #VIP-1388 When the initialization of ImageDev failed due to the absence of a valid license, calling the Finish() method would cause a crash – CAS-67486
- #VIP-1442 The cancellation did not work during AffineRegistration execution.
- #VIP-1419 The ScaleSpaceLogFilter2d algorithm did not support 2D image sequences as input.
- #VIP-1428 The input image interpretation was not transmitted to the output by the BlendAlphaChannelWithImage, BlendAlphaChannelWithValue, and RescaleIntensity algorithms.