Dental Panoramics

ImageDev 2022.2 provides new features for extracting a panoramic image from a dental volume generated by Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).

DentalWallSegmentation3d transforms a grayscale CBCT image into a binary image where every pixel identified as belonging to the dental wall is set to 1 and all the others are set to 0. It performs a rough segmentation of the teeth to get a binary volume that can be used afterward to generate a mesh of the dental wall. This segmentation can be done either automatically or using a predefined threshold.

Initial dental CBCT Dental wall segmentation result

DentalMeshExtraction3d computes a quadrilateral mesh fitting on the dental wall defined in a three-dimensional binary image. It extracts an arch curve which is a list of vertices modelling the dental arch in a 2D plane, extrudes this curve to build an initial mesh and fits this mesh on the central surface of the binary volume.

Initial dental CBCT Mesh extraction result

The last step of the Dental Panoramic workflow, for unrolling the extracted mesh, will be available in ImageDev 2023.1. In the meantime, SurfaceUnfolding3d can be used to extract a two-dimensional dental panoramic.

Mesh Fitting

SurfaceFitting3d adjusts the positions of the vertices of a structured quadrilateral mesh according to weights provided by a volume. This algorithm is used by the DentalMeshExtraction3d feature but can be used for any other purpose, for example before applying SurfaceUnfolding3d.

Sieve Labeling

SieveLabeling produces a new label image from a binary or label input image. It assigns the same label to objects belonging to the same class of a user-defined measurement. For example, it can be used to sort some particles based on their area.

Input binary image Sieve labeling based on the Area measurement

Custom measurements and formula checkers

The CustomMeasurement class allows the creation of a new label analysis measurement, based on a user-defined formula.

The validity of the formula can be verified with the checkMeasurementFormula new method.

Two other formula checker functions are also available from this version:

  • checkFilterFormula that checks if a filter selecting labels from analysis measurements criteria is valid.
  • checkImageFormula that checks if a formula to be used by the ImageFormula algorithm is valid.

Algorithm optimizations

These algorithms have been reimplemented in ImageDev 2002.2:

These algorithms are now thread safe and faster to compute.

New Supported Platform

ImageDev is now available for:

  • Linux, some prepacks are generated for Ubuntu 18.04 (GCC 7).
  • Python 3.9 and 3.10 on Windows.

End of support

ImageDev 2023.1 will drop the support of Visual Studio 2015 for C++ and .NET.

Operating systems

ImageDev 2022.2 is available for:

  • Windows 64-bit: Visual Studio 2015 (VC14) and Visual Studio 2017 (VC 15).
  • Linux 64-bit: GCC 7 (Ubuntu 18.04).