In IOLink we need interfaces to handle raw data, or byte arrays, in order to use them as underlying data of ImageView instances for example. We want to access that raw data in a way fitting the caller use, also a way to know where this data came from, and sometimes to access data stored relative to it. There are two concepts here:
DataAccess instances provide various services in order to read or write their unerlying raw data. There are two families of DataAccess:
This familly of accessors mainly mimics the classic streams. It uses an internal cursor that will be the starting position of read and write operations, with the cursor moving during each of these. One of the properties of a stream is that it usually allows to extend it size when data is written at the end. The cursor is important, as it induces a state based behaviour: doing multiple read operations using the same arguments, will give different results. So stream can be dangerous in a multithreaded environment.
StreamAccess defines various capabilities:
: used to read data from the stream, usually reading the desired bytes from the current cursor position.WRITE
: used to write data to the stream, usually writing the desired bytes at the current cursor positions.SEEK
: enable to move the stream's cursor position.RESIZE
: enable to automatically extend the stream as we write into itThe StreamAccessFactory factory provides diverse ways to create StreamAccess instances. For example, you can create an in-memory extensible stream this way:
For a more complete example:
This familly of interfaces behaves like a virtual buffer with a fixed size, from wich you can read or write some slice of data. Operations are stateless in this kind of objects and can be used in a multithreaded environment if the implementation allows it. By nature, a RandomAccess cannot be expanded automatically, and trying to write data over its end will cause an error. You can see these interfaces as fancy arrays.
RandomAccess support the following capabilities:
: used to read data, usually reading a given number of bytes from a given offet.WRITE
: used to write data, usually reading a given number of bytes from a given offet.RESIZE
: enable to change the size of the accessor, as it can't be expanded by another way.The RandomAccessFactory factory provides diverse ways to create RandomAccess instances. For example, you can create an in-memory RandomAccess instance this way:
For a more complete example:
DataStorage should be considered as a DataAccess factory/manager that will provide access to resources that are under that storage. It is an interface that will enable users to create StreamAccess or RandomAccess instances, that are relative to the storage instance. There is also a way to identify the storage's source, using the source
method that will return a string describing the origin of the data, usually in an URI form. For example a file system storage will return a string of the form "file:/home/user/folder".
When requesting access on resources, you must give the resource id, and the capabilities you want: read, write, or both. If the storage can't return an accessor corresponding to these properties, it will raise an exception.
Current supported DataStorage variants:
An example, using LDM data: