IOFormat  IOF_v0.33.0_release

IOFormat is a library developed and used by Thermofisher Scientifics software teams for Images loading and saving.

What is IOFormat for?

IOFormat is based on IOLink datamodel, and used as complementary tool to create views from encoded data (retrieved from files, streams, network).

When IOLink allows to abstract data as Image models, IOFormat allows to import complex data (encoded in any formats) into this environment.

In summary, it opens your application to outside world.

What is required to use IOFormat?

I would strongly recommend to have a look on IOLink user guide to get a quick overview of view and storage concepts, mainly used in IOFormat.

What is User Guide for ?

This user guide is for any developers who:

  • want to use IOLink datamodel into their own software application and enjoy the multiple formats handled by IOFormat
  • already use IOLink datamodel for in-memory images manipulation, but want to import/export data from/to outside world

It explains IOFormat few basic concepts, gives an overview of available features, and proposes code snippets to ease its use.

User guide organization

Document is composed of following sections:

  • Overview: You will find a quick overview of IOLink concepts. Quick to read, it should give you an idea of IOLink goals.
  • Configuration: To know the IOLink and IOPlugin versions compatible with IOFormat
  • Functionalities: You will find the list of supported formats, and the available functionalities, and the ones already planned.
  • Installation: If you decide to try IOLink/IOFormat, this chapter is for you, and you should be able to quickly integrate IOFormat in your project.
  • Fundamentals: This chapter will always be in progress to be enriched with new features. If you have any questions about 'how to do something', this should be very helpful.
  • Plugins: To have details about each plugin provided in IOFormat package
  • Plugin System: If you are interested to develop your own plugins for IOFormat.